+91 90875 98855
+91 90875 98811
+91 72000 96379
CaRE Lab provides
full spectrum of
microbiological testing and
analysis covering oil analysis,
soil analysis, Air analysis,
waste and drinking water,
food and pharmaceutical
CaRE Labprovides
chemical testing and
analysis covering waste and
drinking water, oil analysis,
soil analysis, Air analysis,
food and pharmaceutical
CaRE Lab's materials
testing capabilities include
materials selection,
materials performance and
failures analysis, using both
destructive and
non-destructive testing.
You shall not pollute the land in which you live… You shall not defile the land in which you live… (Holy Bible: Numbers 35:33-34)
Welcome to Capital RE Energy and Laboratory Pvt Ltd
Capital RE Energy and Laboratory Pvt Ltd (CaRE Lab) is social enterprise company that applies commercial strategies
to maximize improvements in human and environmental well-being. We serve as a positive force to solve global environmental and social issues.

In March 2013, CaRE Lab was started with an objective to serve three business segments, namely, WATER, ENERGY and ENVIRONMENT.
When somebody hear
about our company's
name, the first
question they ask
Here RE means RESOURCES / RENEWABLE / RESEARCH. To throw some more light on this, when it comes to water treatment we think of Reduce, Recycle and Reuse of water resource. When we take Energy business, we look into for Renewable source for energy production.

Including Water and Energy business, Environmental Laboratory will engage in research work contributing towards a better environment we live in.
Vision Vision
The Capital RE Energy and Laboratory Pvt Ltd is a
  • Diverse scientific organization of recognized expertise that provides high quality test and research service to meet customer needs.
  • Workforce dedicated to promoting protection of human health and the environment while working collaboratively for sustainable development.
Mission Statement Mission
The overall mission of CaRE Lab is to protect human health and the environment by providing state of the art monitoring, evaluation and technical expertise.
To fulfill this mission, CaRE Lab is committed to:
  • Produce technically defensible laboratory test results that accurately and precisely describe the sample for the purpose of reporting to the client.
  • Provide leadership in field investigations and analytical services that promotes sustainability.
  • Promote environmental awareness through effective environmental education and outreach.
  • Demonstrate dedication to a sustainable environment through environmentally- responsible behavior and a model.
  • Create a positive impact on society and environment that we live in.
CaRE Lab offer services to
Industries and companies
Industries and
Government bodies
Government bodies
Hotels and Intuitional buildings
Hotels and
Intuitional buildings
Rural households
Rural households
Industries and companies
Industries and