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EIA Study
CaRE lab undertakes Environmental Baseline Study for project’s Environmental Impact Analysis (Rapid or Comprehensive).

Why we do Environmental Baseline Study?

Environmental Baseline Study is a part of project’s Rapid EIA or Comprehensive EIA study and it’s a requirement from regulatory authority.

The Baseline study describes the existing environmental settings in the study area. In order to identify any potential impact and changes to the natural and socioeconomic environments, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the nature of those existing environments prior to commencement of the proposed activities.
EIA Study
This translates as a need to characterize the existing baseline environmental and socio-economic conditions including establishing the prevailing conditions through primary monitoring, undertaking focused surveys and the collection of secondary information from various published sources.
The major purposes of describing the environmental settings of the study area are::

To understand the environmental characteristics of the area. To assess the existing environmental quality. To identify environmentally significant factors.
What we cover in our study?
Following are the Environmental parameters we monitor in our field study and laboratory analysis:
Ambient Air Quality
PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx and CO
Noise levels
Noise levels in dB(A)
Ground Water Quality
Physical and Chemical parameters
Surface Water Quality
Physical and Chemical parameters
Soil Quality
Soil types and samples analyzed for physical and chemical parameters.
Temperature, Relative humidity
Who will need most of our work?
EIA Study
Consultants who works on EIA for a new project for getting Environmental Clearance.
EIA Study
Companies who start a new projects.
EIA Study
Students who work on environmental projects.